Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Challenging yourself

Last night when I got the pins for fitness, I looked at many of them. Later I thought of how when we want novelty in our exercise, there are some advantages to it. Your body by wanting that novelty can keep you out of the rut of same exercise routine. If you have been failing to find a novel exercise routine, then you might have to rethink your learning style. I realise that I am a visual learner. So these exercise pins are very motivating for me not only to exercise but even to learn to design such graphics.
Exercise 4 with its one side dog pose had me feel it. I need to work on stability and holding the pose.
Exercise 5 taught me what counting means. When I went for a checkup to the doctor regarding my obesity, I was shown this exercise of holding up my legs as much as I could.
I loved this workout for its challenge.
I have been having lots of cold, otitis media (parents you know what this means and its not just for kids) and so on. My dad has been urging me to do yoga. Five years ago, I used to do yoga on alternate days. And now I should get back to it. I do have some flexibility left when it comes to pchimothasanam, but have a long way to go to halsana. This milepost of getting somewhere is a motivator. With strength training, its the weight blocks. With yoga, more asanas and grace.

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