No body told me to my face that I have Hashimotos but that is how the results would be read. Its good in one way and not so much in another. Started seeing humor in the nick name. I have heard of it first in the influencer's fitness or food videos.
I had been experiencing difficulty losing weight. The doctor had asked my lowest weight after the second kid. I thought it was 132 but actually it was 127. About 2 years ago it was that low point. The beginning of that year I had started alternating P90x and Shaun T exercises. After that when the weight started increasing, I thought it was effect of a 5 week study course which meant inactivity. And ofocurse duting the pandemic there were ups and downs. The slow creep is unbelievable, but when the weight would increase without doing anything, I knew something was remiss. From hindsight, I probably know when it all started. In good time I got a blood test. The doctor too acted swiftly and asked for a thyroid blood test, then an ultrasound and then an endocrinologist. The thing that helped me through it was being prepared a little early with each step. One video suggested that this whole gamut of the thyroid blood test and an endocrinology visit are better.
I have been feeling fatigue in the last few months but vitamin D weekly dose, took care of that. One day I can recall when I was waiting for the day of the week when I could have vitamin D. The heights.
Few weeks before this was confirmed, I have started prioritising protein and water. Each meal I try to meet my protein numbers adding to about 60g which makes sure that I get good fat too. My eating schedule had been time intervaled with the main constriant of trying to eat early.
25g Whey protein powder
oatmeal, 3tbsp hemp seeds (10g protein), 1 tbsp chia seeds, cranberries and 1 and 1/2 tbsp walnut powder
next meals with veggies, egg (6g protein) and rest of the protein with cheese or yogurt, 1/2 yogurt
tea two times with totally a cup of milk
Other days the protein could be from quinoa, tuna, chicken what happens to be available.
Not all days go as planned, I try to stick to the macros as close as possible. Other days I could have samosas and that becomes a meal. In the whole 17 days, since I started, the only detour and worth it has been majjiga murukulu
In about 17 days, I have lost about 6.8 pounds from a weight which I have otherwise reached only during pregnancies, to a weight that I am comfortable with.
The good thing about this kind of food is that I dont snack in between meals. No energy crashes.
When it comes to exercise, I am walking about 30 mins a day in the morning. I do a bootcamp twice a week.
With hemp seeds, I am relieved that I dont have to turn to meat for protein. Also there flaxmeal that I could use.
Macros keeps the meal plan flexible for substitution. If most of the meal stays similar, logging too is easier.
Hope these tips help you reach a healthy weight and mind. I prioritise sleep too. I try to sleep early on the premise that if my body gets enough sleep, I will wake up early. I know I will wake up fit
While I know others have it worse with Hashi, wish I had known earlier that I was struggling against something tough. I could have saved some brain space sooner.
Whenever I get anxious about it all, I read/watch videos realted to fitness or nutrition to keep the knowledge warm.
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