Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Challenging yourself

Last night when I got the pins for fitness, I looked at many of them. Later I thought of how when we want novelty in our exercise, there are some advantages to it. Your body by wanting that novelty can keep you out of the rut of same exercise routine. If you have been failing to find a novel exercise routine, then you might have to rethink your learning style. I realise that I am a visual learner. So these exercise pins are very motivating for me not only to exercise but even to learn to design such graphics.
Exercise 4 with its one side dog pose had me feel it. I need to work on stability and holding the pose.
Exercise 5 taught me what counting means. When I went for a checkup to the doctor regarding my obesity, I was shown this exercise of holding up my legs as much as I could.
I loved this workout for its challenge.
I have been having lots of cold, otitis media (parents you know what this means and its not just for kids) and so on. My dad has been urging me to do yoga. Five years ago, I used to do yoga on alternate days. And now I should get back to it. I do have some flexibility left when it comes to pchimothasanam, but have a long way to go to halsana. This milepost of getting somewhere is a motivator. With strength training, its the weight blocks. With yoga, more asanas and grace.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Fewer reps with more weight

For a change I moved from 15 reps to 8 reps and moved to the next weight block.
I want to keep increasing plank time.
17 free weight exercises for toned arms

The jar idea of moving weight by marbles from the pre to post is a neat idea. But all weight is not the same. There are certain points which mean different things. I am at about 137 now.
132 is pre 2nd pregnancy weight
123 is ideal BMI
120 is the least I weighed after pregnancy
110 is pre 1st pregnancy weight

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Standing on one leg

I was tying my shoe lace
standing on one leg

My colleague said
Look she's standing on one leg

I didnt realise until then
that I wasnt bent all the way
like I usually am to fix my lace

I even bent down to see
not that if I could still
but why I didnt go that way
what subconsious fitness awareness
made me cognizant
that I didnt have to go all the way
to the floor

Day 2

I pushed my hands down on
the sides of a rail
and help my feet off the ground
for 10 breaths

Deadhangs and Pull up bar

At park
is a pull up bar
for kids

I hung from it
and flung once or twice back
and forth

an hour later
back at home
my hands looked like
they were char marks
from a hot rod

Day 1

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Half Kneeling

while typing this, I am kneeling and wonder if kneeling is an exercise, half kneeling is an exercise

Honey water everyday

Since Feb 25, I have been having Honey water everyday. In High school once, in a big hall used for debate competitions and other such activities, I saw honey bottle on the window sill. i found out that the room was being used as a Yoga room by parents. This school was in the community of a company, so it as being well used for multi purposes.

Over the years, I have heard that it good to have warm water with honey and lemon juice in the morning. But it didnt ever have the profound effect of making me an actual doer of the habit like this nice graphic here.

Second stab at Level 2 30 Day Shred Exercise

I have liked Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred Level 2 better than Level 1.

After my first baby, I took to it and liked it for the good instantaneous feeling during the exercise too.

After my second baby, and about 2 months of some sort of exercise and a month or more of second training, I tried it for the first time today (for a while they went missing online, and I am glad they did as that has unknowingly become my prep time) and boy that strength training has made me so fit, that I did plank jacks and push ups too.

I like this video for it shows you your fitness as you go into it.