Sunday, January 24, 2021

Jump rope

 jump rope HIIT was good. I had  a15 min slot in the morning. This was perfect for that.

syndey cummings cardio HIIT too. Did about half of it. 

This blog is called keeping up with exercise but there's so much research going on that keeping up with exercise research is going to take more efforts.

The article is right that HIIT gets a lot of attention. The study found that moderate physical activity may have metabolic advantages.

I find it very fascinating that there are different type of calories. The way some smartphones count your calories as exercise when the heartrate goes above a certain threshold. Head to head comparision of HIIT vs aerobic activity.

Blood sugar control was found only on the days of exercise, so it does not matter what kind of exercise, but some exercise is good.  So dont fret too much about missing your schedule exercise as long as you exercise. If you exercise for weight loss benefits too, try coralling the food side with measurement and know for certain that the food choices are good ones with logging. 

A mix of exercises will provide you various benefits. Each with its own. Movement make syou happy. Exerting makes you feel fit. Choose them based on your time, schedule and energy.

When you do not have mich time, 1 min of exertion spread over 11 minutes will give you as much effect as 45 min moderate exercise. This one is easier with jump rope too. If you exert yourself for 20 seconds all out, then you would have to do it 3 times with 2-3 minute normal recovery.

25 min of kickboxing after 15 min jumprope.

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