Saturday, February 27, 2021

Exercises from a Genius

 Tomorrow will be a week of Diastasis Recti exercises. I think I am now ready for Athleans Flat stomach. Do checkout the visualisations. Simple exercises. Small time slots. Lets see how it goes.

Do you feel bad when you miss wearing your tracker?

Wow hollow hold Day 2 .. too cool

Cant wait for the results.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Diastasis Recti

Suddenly I got very aware of the need for correcting Diastasis Recti. So on this 21 day challenge.

BodyFit by Amy has good exercises.

Day 2- 

I did 3 sets of Advanced Postpartum Core Workout - ABS After Pregnancy . 

and a few of these Ab Workout After Baby - Postpartum Ab Exercises - Diastasis Recti Safe Workout.

I was getting ready to do some strenght training, but boy, all that sucking the abs in.. didnt let me go further. That means the exercises ar working right. From the comments, the exercises are working out for people who have had mummy pouches for years.

Day 3

I have learnt that like how we keep dessert for the last, we should keep the exercise we love to do at the end, so that we get to the necessary exercise first. The Advanced Core workout is good. In todays jumprope exercise, I tried to incorporate a bit of the mobius exercise concept of staying int he weak position of side push ups. I also did jumprope backwards. Jumping jack forward.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Having fun

 Floyd Mayweather 1000 calories workout

Good start for the week. 20 min done on Monday.

A friend was able to notice the difference in my legs. She asked if I was doing something. Also said that it doesnt show cellulite ouch.. :) )

Back to workout. The background music is so good, that I started jumping to the music. It stopped being exercise at that point. Live life Mas.... I didnt Taco Bell.. Its not tuesday but we did have Tacoless Fish Taco. 

Its the Aggregate that Matters

After 20 min on 2nd day went to jumprope with planks

Feb 19th

jumprope at Coliseum

Felt good as I was warming up. 30 min is good exercise.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Intentions dont work mechanisms do

 After coming across the Gradatim Ferociter of Blue Origin in Liftoff book by Eric Bergoff, I romanticised how wonderful it is to begin a journey. Slowly and ferociously, you ar eon this journey to be come stronger.

Intentions dont work mechanisms do is another great takeaway from Jeff Bezos. Only when we have proces in place, do we know how well we are progressing.

one of the six lessons from Amazon

Friday, February 12, 2021

Thursday, February 11, 2021


 Running is a total body affair.

Imagine your head flopping like a ponytail while running as suggested in the article wihtout human adaptation to long distance running.

 Neuromechanical linkage between the head and forearm mediated by the biceps and superior trapezius during running but not during walking research

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Breathing and Exercise

Brushstrokes to Painting 

All that time spent in planks and side-planks...

I wnat to get stronger. I try to hold the poses by concentrating on breathing. It somehow feels that when something is the journey, we learn more of its essence than when its the destination. If we want to breathe better, we might find it harder, but if we are managing our breath to accomplish something, then the breathing skill get more utilised and perfect. 

Thinking of yoga, it is told that yoga was practised, so the rishis body would not feel any pain when they endlessly meditated. For a beginner, anything to be done longer is painful, initially the joy goes down and then starts increasing with accomplishment. In Vikra's case, after a while he couldnt even feel the arm he had raised had been like that for a long time. 

The cracked wheat on the stove brings you out of your thoughts, only after the water has reached a boiling state. 

There is a habit of asking loved ones, if they had dinner. One such question, made me recall that I hadnt cooked something that I promised. I had one more such self reminder earlier, but between kid's homework submission, it got relegated to a la-la land where people find that their lunch boxes are empty.

There is a box breathing technique that helps those who suffer from asthma by building their lung capacity. When we know the benefits or have a goal further out, we are likely to take the route that takes us there. With exercise too, if you choose a bigger goal, then it can help you get better for that, eg jumprope for agility or abs for pull ups and so on. A goal that seems huge but achievable through daily steps. If you can perceive the positive difference, you will keep at it. When you do strength training, you can tell that you are gaining strength by your ability to wanting to move onto heavier weights.

All that time spent daily in exercise are not boring looking similar brush strokes. But week after week, as you add the brushstrokes to the painting, you see the dog's ear and then more of the body as you keep continuing.

Friday, February 5, 2021

Feb 10th

 Jump rope weight loss workout This seemed like one I already did, so moved onto boxer skip with abs and 20 pushups, when in the first video Dan said he does 100 pushups after the workout.

Feb 9th

 Jumprope and Ab

Another excellent one.. Ab exercises seemed like the mainstay. even perfect.

Exercise as flow

Upperbody and Abs Sydney cummings workout after a long time. Because of a minor inconvenience, I thought I will rest it out with the jumping. Then I felt a great relief that I could do strength training. When you do strength training, you can tell the gains as well as losses very fast, when you stop doing it.

 Dans jumprope workout

This turned out to be great. The side planks and x jumprope feet.

Yesterday, when I came across autonomy in The art of impossible as a flow indicator, I knew it would be relevant to the joy you get in exercise. With today's experience of doing the rightest exercise, it ingrained it even more, how when you do the exercise you want for fun and not as a must, you get into the flow state.

The six core psychologial characteristics of flow according to the book:

Complete Concentration

When you are exercising, you are thinking mostly about how to do the next set, how to breathe, how to give it your all in the present. The bodily engagement anchors you in the present.

Merger of Action and Awareness

Your workout buddy or trainer can give you hints on the engagement, with their insight of where should you feel the impact.

Sense of self vanishes

Now you are a power machine getting strong. You are bigger than your self.

Altered sense of time

This takes us to Einstein's relativity. This also depends on the choice of exercise. If its something you love, then you will see the time pass quickly. If you are struggling at the move, you look at the clock more often.

Paradox of control

Other than AMRAP, the exercises are little compartments or curiosities that you explore and then find something really great, that is novel and think how wonderful the new move is. With Sydney Cummings, I am always amazed at the host of new exercises in each video.

Autotelic Experience

When you like some exercise, you might overdo it, but luckily your body as a system warns you if you exhaust yourself.

spectrum of experiences. Microflow to macroflow. You can feel it when things dont go according to the plan. AMRAP hrows me off a bit.

Deep embodiment which is a flow trigger for flow according to Steven Kotler, physical exercise because it involves you fully, it works as a good flow trigger.

Feb 6th

Making everyday count

HIIT jumprope

Did the front to back one side to side addition

jumprope pushup - yesterday

Brandon says by the end of it, we do about 200 pushups.. wow..

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Five numbers you need to know

your age

your body fat percentage

your maximum allowed heart rate during exercise

your body measurements 

total calories burned by your body on a normal day

And an xray scan ability of food calories.

Taking care of yourself

Wherever you are, your next step is the big step.

I am using Withings app to watch my weight trend. For the past couple of months, my body fat percentage was increasing causing me a concern. I was doing Sydney Cummings strength workouts. Few months everything seemed in control in terms of muscle gains and measurements going down. 

Now my body fat percentage has started decreasing. I have started using the FoodPrint app which is making a big difference in the number of calories consumed on even special party food days. On the exercise side too, calories burned is improving. The gap is widening and the outcome is showing each day. Feeling so positive. Let me know if you would like to know more or talk about geeting things under control.

While last week most research was on 11 minutes exercise with a high intensity burst adding up to a minute was good enough. If you chose aerobic activity, it was shown to be good for increasing metabolism. This week the research is more on walking benefits from gratitude, productivity, creativity.

I realised something about walking. Recently heard that someone in the community was not doing well. Thats when I recalled that we used to see them walking before. Walking can let you keep connected with your community, building ties with the members. While one disadvantage of walking is that you cant get far, the positive side of it is you know everything close up close. Its the magnifier not telescope.

We have a rock beach in our community. it builds on the concept of rock river. While walking, I bent to look at something white, expecting a small seashell, tiny thin conch type. It turned out to be a small piece of cotton but simulacrum enough to jog my imagination of a peaceful walk on the beach. This made up for a nice poetry prompt. 

Banana Corn Fritters

Another Awesome Day

Tomorrows workout- 

 30 min HIIT jumprope and strength workout

Accountability and Momentum

Walking and Creativity

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Hold your weight reins

 I have my 30 min jumprope chosen for tomorrow.

Wow, didnt know what I signed up for.

Amazing but tough. You can see why Brandon and Dan jumps in this one. Usually they do their own talking. Never looked forward more for those 10 sec rest.

Some takes that others have found helpful.

How to lose weight think like a thin person. This article mainly focuses on not being afraid of hunger.

How naturally slim women eat

If these work for you, thats great. What works for me is knowing how much calories are in the food I am consuming and how many calories I am burning through my "active" lifestyle.

I heard of Cronometer today. Didnt realise the UI decision of Foodprint in not showing the total calories until you press Reload button and that too its at the bottom and not on the top.

loseit is another.

Dont underestimate the power of a walk We go for afternoon walk, a bonus way to get brisk walks.

I am happy to move into the face where now Wihtings is convinced that I am living an active lifestyle and that I wouldnt have to make big changes to reach my goal.

Contrast this with the days, when I was doing everything possible and it would say - 'your weight is stable and if you are not making a special effort to gain or lose weight, it means that your lifestyle is adapted to your metabolism. So you can keep going!" 

Somehow technology seems more sentient. Wish it can be this bold when weight creeps up.

These days the smartwatches can track every movement, making it very convenient to log your activity. Small steps count too. 

Monday, February 1, 2021


 stonesoup - the six ingredients dishes

Exercise today

 25 Min jumprope

Another 28 min jumprope and jumping jacks. He's right, jumping jacks can get exhausting in a while.

Another food app win with a party food.

RXBAR, Chocolate Raspberry, Protein Bar, 1.83 Ounce (Pack of 12), High Protein Snack, Gluten Free

RXBAR, Chocolate Raspberry, Protein Bar, 1.83 Ounce (Pack of 12), High Protein Snack, Gluten Free

 If you are in the fitness circles, you would have heard of RxBar with only the ingredients listed on the top. Thats a good catchy way to make the ignredients so visible, instead of having to search at the back.

Save 15.0% on select products from RXBAR with promo code 15RXVDAY, through 2/15 while supplies last.