Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Hold your weight reins

 I have my 30 min jumprope chosen for tomorrow.

Wow, didnt know what I signed up for.

Amazing but tough. You can see why Brandon and Dan jumps in this one. Usually they do their own talking. Never looked forward more for those 10 sec rest.

Some takes that others have found helpful.

How to lose weight think like a thin person. This article mainly focuses on not being afraid of hunger.

How naturally slim women eat

If these work for you, thats great. What works for me is knowing how much calories are in the food I am consuming and how many calories I am burning through my "active" lifestyle.

I heard of Cronometer today. Didnt realise the UI decision of Foodprint in not showing the total calories until you press Reload button and that too its at the bottom and not on the top.

loseit is another.

Dont underestimate the power of a walk We go for afternoon walk, a bonus way to get brisk walks.

I am happy to move into the face where now Wihtings is convinced that I am living an active lifestyle and that I wouldnt have to make big changes to reach my goal.

Contrast this with the days, when I was doing everything possible and it would say - 'your weight is stable and if you are not making a special effort to gain or lose weight, it means that your lifestyle is adapted to your metabolism. So you can keep going!" 

Somehow technology seems more sentient. Wish it can be this bold when weight creeps up.

These days the smartwatches can track every movement, making it very convenient to log your activity. Small steps count too. 

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