10 min of full body strength training
few min of calisthenics and then cooking and dishwashing
10 min of full body strength training
few min of calisthenics and then cooking and dishwashing
Cardio: jumping jacks, high knees (on your toes), jump rope, march in place, stand and box
Lower Body: chair-assist split squat, chair-assist squat (holding on to the back of a chair as you move up and down from a near-sitting position), lunge, side lunge, wall sit
Upper Body: kneeling push-up, push-up, triceps dip, chair-assisted push-up, wall push-up
Core: abdominal crunch, kneeling side plank, plank, Superman, kneeling plank
I am slowly building up a circuit thing in my house. I have started doing mini pull up mechanism practises in the backyard. The picnic table's seating provides for a good incline pushup. There is an ab-roller in the room and in between these, lie dumbbells for the many ways to build upperbody strength, extend this a bit, then theres more in the park. Now I have enough moves that I can practise at the park. I went on a scooty today. The other day when I played badminton with a kid, I dreamt that I was going down a slide.
The moves in the park now include yoga, Bruce Lee's elbow twists, bridge, hollow body hold, plank, lunges.
Day 1 -Yesterday I found a tree and did a passive hang there. Actually I was there for 1 sec.
Day 2- Today, while going that way during a walk, I was able to hang on for 3 sec. I did this baout 2 to 3 times.
I have also started doing the towel scaplar exercise from Lucy Lismore. She said that she learnt to do a pull up by having a bar on the doorway and trying it every time she went by it. I have the bars and trees startegically located. Theres one slight one in the backyard. The one in the park is too low as its for kids. Tried to do an eccentric pull down, it felt like the ground came too fast. Theres the magical tree, wish the branch to hang on was longer. After that is another park, where the base of a landing stairs can be used to do some more exercise. While hanging on, trying to pull my legs up. I think with regular practise, I should be able to do apull up. Its something that I have been wanting to do for a long time. Wow, all the benefits from the hangs. After that is anothe rpark which has a circular monkey bar. It was funny trying to scale it. I tried to channel the kid in me with the carefulness of an adult.
Day 3
posture correction, vsit abs - 3 x 30s
biceps and pullups with dumbbells in preparation for pullup on bar
On the tree I was able to passive hang 8sec first and then 5 sec.
Day 4
From yesterday, I could feel the scapula and abs in the morning.
flat stomach abs plank hold + Bruce Lee abs from Athlean
biceps and pullups with dumbbells
towel shoulder press
12 min jump rope
pull-up bar knee raises and bicycles
tree- passive hang - 15sec+ 8sec+10 sec +10 sec
Day 5
Hollow rock
Currently the branch I use is a narrow grip one
Doing inverted rows from the railing of stair case in the park
Push press negatives with dumbbells
pull-up bar knee raises and bicycles
Passive Hang to Active Hang.
Get to inverted row progression of 2-3x per week, 3-5 sets of 6-10 reps and then move to eccentric chin up.
Currently at 2 sets.