Friday, September 23, 2022

Cardio week

Cardio Power & Resistance


Game day


Did core cardio. While waiting for flu shots ar walgreens, walked and got the steps to beyond the 3 rings. From the calculation, I want o get to 570 cals burned so overall is 2000cal. Realised somethign while cutting vegetables, the cycle of fatigue. Sitting on the couch because of being tired. We can break this cycle by getting energetic and active with healthy food and exercise and thus keep the energy day long for light chores and thus reduce sitting time.


With 36 min of plyometric cardio circuit, I was swimming in sweat. A 197 cal jumpstart to the day. And the endorphins from cardio, I was full of energy today. I have started protein powder too.

When our diet and exercise varies, no wonder weight varies.


Exercise boosts energy. These days I dont feel the need for tea in the evening. I am not tired like before. I dont need to plop in the sofa. In fact today right after coming home, I did 30 min elliptical even before eating. I love elliptical for the calorie dense burn. Its almost like 2-3 times worth walking. Even jogging is similar. Any day I am behind on the numbers, these two will be my go to. In the morning I had done 27 min of core synergetics. A 30 min walk during the lunch time. After all this, another 30-40 min walk got the calorie count to 570, which is my goal these days. 

My alarm is at 6:15 but I woke up in the morning at 5:56 am. Body is getting used to the sleep. 

The first I heard of two times cardio/exercise a day is from Danica Pretty Intense. I know another friend who does that. Strength training  in the morning and walk in the afternoon. 75 Hard too talks about two 45 min workout a day.

Huberman podcast too says, light activity after eating will reduce the digestion time and thus increase fasting time until next morning.

I am in the intentional movement mode where I am moving my molecules for the steps to be counted.


This is going good. Takes me back to the days I used to do elliptical for an hour. This morning it was pure cardio. For some reason, couldnt get myself to jump - maybe its the continuity. I am excited for Kenpo tomorrow. 

Drinking lots of water too probably because of lot of sweating.

When you need coffee, walking, water and stairs can do the trick.

Taking time to breathe well. Oxygen gives us energy.

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