Saturday, October 1, 2022

P90x Phase 1 week 1-4

 I have started P90x today. p90x schedule

part P90x first time

I have been following Tiff X Dan program. I finished program 1 with a friend and at half od program 2. Heard of 75 hard. I have never even dreamt of doing the whole p90x program and now I am already done with Day 4. The only way to make it work is do it the first thing in the morning and catch up with leftovers in the evening. 

Phase 1


Day 1 Chest & Back - Ab Ripper X done.

This also happens to be the first weekend that I am working out in years. Atleast since the Hashimoto.  After the Cardio week success a not so surprise ping from the smartphone- All my exercise trends doubled - calories burnt, exercise minutes, miles and so on.

Day 2 Plyometrics

Amanda's  It went well. Had to do modifications.

Day 3 Shoulder & Arms, Ab Ripper X

Did the bonus round and Ab Ripper X in the evening. Tomorrow probably the yoga too will have to be done in two parts. I love the leg climbs in the Ab Ripper X, similar to the rope climbing in Shaun T Insanity workout.

Day 4 YogaX

Did it all at one go with two minor breaks. We always used to stop at the plough asana, as it was a good point for a 1 hour lunch break exercise.  Shavasana reminded me of elementary school where we lied down on the ground.

Was sweating all thrpugh the first half. Last Vinyasa was where I had almost lost it with the Thenar area of the palm constantly stressed against the floor. Dont remember feeling it this way from the previous times. Appreciated the stretch exercises. Totally got confused with reverse Warrior and Warrior 3.

I liked the Torso twist hold even though it was difficult.

I said the om along with Tony H.

We will be hiking soon. One more reason to get fit.

Already my fat% has been decreasing since the last 10 days that I have doubled my exercise time. I am excited about the body strength gains from longer period of strength training. I am currently in the 20% of most active withing users.

Day 5 Legs & Back. Ab Ripper X

It was great. I have done this before. The calf raise had some funny thing going on in the foot. I found my diary from 2005 where I had lost lots of weight with 1 hour elliptical everyday. Usually during winter months I put on about 4 pounds, this time I am beating the grain. Coincidentally my great weight loss journey too started in oct 2005. I now have a 15 min timer on everytime I sit in front of my computer. Today my exercise minutes went past 150. Currently I am on a collision course with snacks but I will do the best I can because I know they mess cholesterol.

The alarm was a baby cry. The alarm works for steps and water.

What I realise is that time passes very quickly with a timer on.

Apple Watch called me Unstoppable.

We spotted a heron on the walk yesterday. Preparing for an intergenrational Sense of Wonder collaboration essay with daughter. Lets see how that goes. We recently finished some essays for MLK. I love the possibility of a prize with the competitions.

Day 6 KenpoX

I had done this just last friday so its still fresh in the mind.

Watch thought my workout was Boom.

Chilled avocado tastes good. I just realised that for the odd times when I have to stay up longer than my usual bed time and hunger pangs begin, half avocado could be the answer. These days everything I do revolves around exercise. Steve Jobs said that concentration gives you super powers. Lets stick to that.

Day 7 Rest or X stretch

Looking forward to this tomorrow, funny part is I was of the mind yesterday that I will workout even on rest days and today I wish it were a rest day. I think I am ready for it. Any reason to do yoga is a good one. 

Wow the stretch. Reminded me of my childhood. During highschool, I used to do yoga with my dad. The Paschimottasana or seated forward bend and Janu shirsana. It feels like full circle.

Week 2

Day 8 Chest & Back - Ab Ripper X 

Amanda's 8-14

Already excited about this. This went great. I suddenly realised that I dont need to count which day of the program I am on. Having started on Oct 1, the day of the month will be the day of the program. This program will finish on the last day of this year putting me on a jumpstart with resolutions.

Learnign little things like leaving the other foot off the floor in fifer scissors. Hard exercise but with time it should get easier.

I was pacing and this is the third time someone noticed it and asked me if I was tracking my movement. I showed the app and the progress in the last 13 days. Finally the lady decided to join a gym or do aerobics.

Day 9  Plyometrics

Loved this today. I am thankful for all the energy I feel. I went to a new place very close to where I live. I cant wait to go back there for a walk. I have increased my calorie goal to 600 so that overall is 2000cal. I feel confident about meeting this as well as 90min exercise time. 

Day 10  Shoulder & Arms, Ab Ripper X

I focused on the breathing today. I realised that out of 90 days, theres about 15 days of YogaX. While doing Abripper X, with my arms on the ground for oblique v-ups, I could feel the burn from the morning.

Day 11 YogaX

Jonathan's p90x day 11

Enjoyed the yoga. Especially the vinyasa. It generates so much heat and sweat. 

Did 16 min of Tiff x Dan Day 17 in the evening.

Day 12  Legs & Back. Ab Ripper X

My Last week summary showed that I did 95000 steps. Lets see if we can get it to 100 grand steps this week.

While doing abs today, it was burning. Took me back to a moment in mid 2019.

Day 13 KenpoX

KenpoX went well today. Already reach a body fat % to normal goal. In the last few years, I would lose weight but body fat percent would go up. Happy to get out of that gridlock.

Today I also finished the 56.6 mi apple watch challenge for october 22, 17 days ahead.

Did the last 14 min of Tiff x Dan Day 17. The rest time was 30min after every 2 sets of exercises. In that time I stretched with lunges.

Feeling very positive about the program.

Next goal is BMI.

In 2009 my lowest body fat % was 25.6

P90x should bring it to 24%

Day 14 Rest or X stretch

I did the stretches till bow. I am close to the 100000 steps this week. Have two more days for the remaining 27200 steps.

Week 3

Day 15 Chest & Back - Ab Ripper X 

Last Chest & Back of this Phase.

Day 16  Plyometrics

This went well. More energy,. More jumping than usual. Still the jumping jacks are taps.

Day 17  Shoulder & Arms, Ab Ripper X

I finally caved in and have started writing down my reps. Not yet for the bonus ines. When I try to do the rep and breathe, then I cant count :)

I have lost two pounds in the last week or two depending on different trackers. I have also done a recomposition in the last 3 days with a pound of fat being replaced by a pound of muscle.

I  caught up with Ab Ripper in the evening and also did the Tiff x Dan Shred II Day 18 Squats and lunges. It had a good 1 and 1/2 theme. In a shorter amount of time, my heart rate went higher and I burnt more calories.

Day 18 YogaX

I am looking forward to the ease that I will find the third time with this.

Meet the dumbell. I have realised that each day we go into the session with different baggage. But the dumbell is the same. Match the dumbell.

I did Bob Harper Yoga Warrior program. Started sweating by 15 min. In tabletop, I made an effort to get better into the position.

With paschimottasana my head touched my leg. My flexibility is getting better.

Day 19  Legs & Back. Ab Ripper X

swapped with Day 21

Today had to call it a rest day when I could feel the burn in the back of my legs. Was 100 cals less from yesterday. Thank god for averages. I didnt meet my steps goal too. Making it up with today's replacement walk. I like the way my legs feel after a walk.

I made this work. Did  Legs & Back on actual day 20. Swapped it with Day 21's rest. But for a rest day yesterday I did good with 24004 steps and a 12 min ab from Tiff X Dan shred II program Day 19. I woke up at usual exercise time of 5:30 am but sicne legs gave out, walked in that 1 hour time and made steps.

I am having funny experiences meeting my goals. One exercise days its easier. Definitely a walk outside is easier to walk brisk than pace in limited space. If you ever think a route is long, put it to the time, calories test and you will see how short it falls. 

Currently I have chosen 600 cals, 90 min exercise and 12 hr stand. 

Day 20 KenpoX

Looking forward to this. This went well with wrist weights.

Day 21 Rest or X stretch

refer Day 19

Week 4

Day 22 YogaX

Looking forward to this.

This was so relaxing. I do yoga mostly during vaction because the vibes gel then. With no hurry, I was totally present there. Waking up early for exercise sort of puts us in that mode with enough time for it.

Day 23 Core Synergetics

Been thinking about this. Its almost like you have to earn it. Did the bonus round too. Workign hard on the chaturanga. Will be back to it in 2 days.

Day 24 KenpoX

This was just last Friday. I added the wrist weights last time. Should be able to do the same tomorrow too. This went great today.

Day 25 X stretch

Did this Full Body Stretch Yoga for Athletes to Boost Recovery. Might have to do more stretching if I cant meet the calorie goals just through walking.

It was funny how on right side I couldnt even see my left leg to reach it while on the left side it was easy. In another stretch meant for right side I could feel the effect only on the lefr.

Day 26 Core Synergetics

Enjoyed this, pushing myself in each exercise.

Day 27 YogaX

I did the first half. By the half moon my active leg aches, I shift to the other side. Two years ago, I had no issues with it.

I also did Day 21 of Tiff x 6 week Dan shred II. Full body strength training with heavy emphasis on abs. I know its recovery week. But prepping for next week.

Day 28 Rest or X-stretch

For this I will do the second half of YogaX.

Cant believe we are here already.

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