Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Indoor to Outdoor jog/run

 Today I ran for 20 min in the house, 20 in the backyard and 20 in between at a park. Yesterday was 60 min jog in the park.

I noticed very big/hearty good mornings. I said hi to a school girl and neighbors on the way. Its fun to be out in the morning exercising.

Saw man running with silver hair again. Inspiring to continue to that age.


Saw this carplate today. One for the runners or the exercisers.

Going great. Why waste good weather, so did the last 30 min of the 60min in the plein air. 

Seeing many new faces on the drive to school. One lady with an elaborate relaxed bike.

Saw my colleague with the familair "I ran 1 hr" blood red faded face. 

Reduced my sitting at the sofa and instead shifted the reading to standing at the counter.

Saturday took a break from running.

Sunday, just wanted to walk first thing in the morning, but in few minutes, I had to indoor run for 30 min ::) And with pickleball in tow for the day thats a good wrap of 1hr 45 min first time pickleball.

Monday, August 28, 2023


 Asylum Shaun T


Need to get pickle ball fit by Sep 19th

Have you read Outlive? I need to see what changes are needed to my exercise program. Increase zone 2 for sure.

8/28/23 - Strength

This was awesome. Tough but cool. We have to give it to Shaun T.

Halo's. Progressive loading. Jumps. Squats. All with your fair friend dumbells.

8/29/23 - Speed & Agility

only Shaun T can make you do this. Loved this. Sweat pool.

When it rains it pours.. Heard of Asylum hybrid meaning we are going to do Asylum hybrid part 1 and Asylum hybrid part 2 as Winter Special 2023. Last year I kicked off this Winter Special series with P90x


Zone 2 Cardio (swapping this with rest day 5)

Reached my 600 cal around the time I reached 400cal. There's some walking to go too.. Done with 15 min of back to core already.


Back to core


vertical plyo

Asylum 30 day journey

I have done P90x and part of insanity before. My journey started off with strength followed by speed & agility. Although it is not living up to the name from my side, I am doing my best and enjoying it. I am gearing up for a pickle ball game in few weeks. After that we will kick off Winter Special 2023.

I am drinking lots of water now. 

Quadratus Lumborum (QL) Stretches & Exercises For Relief From Lower Back Pain or Sciatica.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

P90x Round 2

 I am so happy to kick this off--- P90x Round 2

Other than this, I get a 30 min walk in the afternoon.

P90x Round 1

7/14/23 -- Kenpo -- Day 6

If I did Chest & Back on 7/15 and Plyometrics on 7/16 .. it would have been great..

Due to unexpected work on 7/15, I just ran in place and finished my exercise. happens to be the first weekend without any weight change.


I could do only 7 min of chest & back -- due to time crunch

Week 1

7/18/23 -- Day 1

Today I finished the rest of it. Changes this time around -- using 10 lbs pair instead of 8lb. Using a swing for the pull up bar. I added the chair today and its a world of difference. I feel like I worked out. My dad says that when he started exercise in his 40s.. he would sweat enought of fill a small glass. I could brag something like that to my kids now. Full sweat drips on the yoga mat. 

7/19/23 -- Day 3

Shoulder & Arms. Didnt get to the last round

7/20/23 -- Day 2

Plyometrics. Did it with wrist weights and 1 lb light weight in hand. Skipped the sports section.

7/21/23 -- Day 5

Legs & Back


7/22/23 -- Day 4


Still havent started the abs.

Week 2

Tue --Yoga 30 min

Wed -- 40 min indoor jog

Thu -- Chest and Back

Fri --  Yoga 20 min

Sun - Cardio Power & Resistance

8/7/23 - 20 min shoulder & arms

This still had an effect the next day morning.

8/8 - legs & back

8/9 - 40 min indoor jog

8/10 - chest & back

8/11 - remaining shoulder & arms

weekend -- Swimming.. please no heat warning

Found a magical way to add cardio -- dance 

Friday evening I was reminded of soem songs and slowluy that trned into a dance. Same saturday morning too. 

Phase 2

Week 1

took 2 days to finish chest and back

30 Minute Strong Back & Biceps Workout | PRE - Day 9 Sydney Cummings. Gorilla rows are awesome. Now I understand why grunts during strength training.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Amp it up

Recently I realised I was putting on more weight. I was exercising but my average exercise calories were about 200 per day due to some busy time. Last week I was able to bring that up to 400 and problem solved. I am tacking on 10-15 min more time to my usual exercise time of 30 min. I call this the snowball method of exercise. you are anyways there, just add a little bit more time if you see bouts of days coming where you might not be able to fit in exercise into your schedule.

400 exercise calories 5 days a week, seems to be the sweet spot.

 snow ball method

This last weekend, I didnt put on weight. I have figured out how to be active enough.. and ofcourse amp the protein too --- sardines, here I come.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Halasana and Shoulderstand

 Have gotten into the practise of Halasana and Shoulderstand. The whole thing at 3 mins now. want to practise headstand.

The headstand sequence took about 18 min. I am sure the headstand will take months. Just getting used to the inversions is a great thing.

The goal is to be able to do any yoga pose for 2 hours - maybe vajrasan. Was thinking of splitting it into 5 sections of 24 min each - with Baddha hastasana, 2 sides of Garudasana and 2 sides of Gomukhasana.

Saturday, April 22, 2023



Stronger: Changing Everything I Knew About Women’s Strength

Liftoff: Couch to Barbell by Casy Johnston

Rucking : Build your strength, Muscle, Burn Calories, Loose Weight And Stay Fit

SAID principle of fitness - Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands


 In the last two weeks, I have incorporated suryanamaskar and some hanging exercises. I can already feel my strength building up. I was going to show Russian twist with legs on the ground but I could lift them. I was able to lift up my head in chakrasana.

Body and movement

 How you move affects your body

I was thumping mylegs  criss cross seated. I felt my forehead relaxing. 

ETF tapping

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Awareness during exercise

Today I did 24 sun salutations. and 15 mins of pranayama. In between I did the squat sitting. Yesterday I tried to sit in vajrasana for as long as I could. I am thinking of pedestrian pranayama. I am remembering to engage the core during strength training.

Have strated doing restorative yoga in the evening and a bit more intense yoga when there is more energy.

Friday, February 10, 2023

Happy with weight

 Have been quiet but doing Metcon workout by Heather. Done with day 3. Missing P90x yoga and core. I will do KenpoX today and while I wait for my friend to catch up with day 3 of HRH, I might get these all in before day 4. 

I am happy with the progress since September. I just have to continue being active. In the process, if I lose some fat that will be great.