Saturday, July 20, 2024

P90X real round 2

 I kicked off cardio on Sunday. While I was thinking if I should do Insanity or P90X. In the middle of the week, universe understood my conundrum and sent a SUV sized answer with P90X on the back of it and teamazfitness and a UBFIT2 nameplate. In the past situations with universe signals have caused me heartache but this is the right direction.

On 7/17 - 98 min of walk

7/18 - YogaX - felt good


I am trying to achieve what I did P90X round 1. I am happy abput some of the notes that I have written down - like what caused em to start it and what were the takeaways.

This time around I am focusing on fiber - love chia seeds 3tbsp of it has 10g of fiber. 

I was having my curated oatmeal for breakfast with hemp seeds, pumpkin powder, walnut powder for a long time and then suddenly stopped it one day. This time around, I should remember to add few nuts and dry fruits to make it more palatable.

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