Friday, December 25, 2020

Habits and Values

This is something I keep coming to, the relation between our habits and values. Since the habots (habit robots - may be they help you develop new desirable habits or get rid of undesired ones) that we have are a working system, it can offer us lessons on what is likely to work and stick. It clarifies your values.

When I try to squeeze more and add for a good measure, I feel great. That is alignment, once you are behind something, all other activities to shape with that goal in mind, accreting to the effect. Once that long pole is off, everything else too seems to start showing the negative long tail effect of even though not much by itself, when added it becomes a lot that goes away.

If flossing is not going as planned, then take away all the obstacles.

Habits define our personality and our values. Which comes first? Habits or Values? I would consider habits more of a reflection or an abstract figma like the vision which shows you the imagination of who you could be. Just like the example discussed, it shows you that you are a fly-catching machine and once you realise that you get more methodical about catching flies better.

Carol Sanford shows essence finding as one of the steps in Regenerative Life.

Consider habits and the environment in which you had to take on that habit. Once a habit is formed, the behavior is inflexible to the environment.

Thorndike's Law of effect is in effect when you see results from your efforts and continue the efforts. This is a scenario where you can have value-free habits.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

All about stretching

 Have you heard of Gyrokinesis?

Sitting on the chair with a leg stretched out, and taking the hand to the other side, reminded me of the warrior poses in yoga, where you need all that balance without the chair.

Bowflex stretch is a good full body stretch.

Palliative yoga for good upper back stretch. The lifting to the side reminded of Athlean's thoracic extensions with a stick held in both hands.

It feels good to shake your hands because  it is Therapeutic tremoring.

Inside Out Method from Bob Harper

 Inside Out Method Cardio 

Whats in it from Popsugar

Total Body transformation

Skinny Rules and other workouts


Trying the Week 4 Schedule:

Day 1: Cardio

I did Cardio today and felt great. At the 10 minute mark after the warm-up, I could see the difficulty of the workout as there is not too much break. Looking forward to strength with a slight apprehension. I didnt do all the jumping jacks but hopefully over the course of days like Tony Horton says, I will get stronger and be able to do that. The format is good shifting between the not too heavy weights, planks and squats. After the 10 min realisation of the difficulty, I adjusted my expectation of beginner level and thought that even if I got to the 30 min mark, it will be great. I did finish the whole thing with few breaks and skips. Looking forward to the next day. A minute for pushups in later stages is a nice way to track progress for next time. The arms were screaming, burning even with light weights, reminded me of Shaun T's arms workout. I did sweat and even had to switch the fan on. The next task is also to see if 6-7 times  of this strenuous week is feasible.

Day 2: Strength

Strength workout was fun too. I was able to do all those repetitive movements only with the sub 3 pounds. Cannot imagine getting to the usual 8. Holding them in posiiotn, that hurts. Breaks help. Lots of good pushup and abs.

Day 3: Cardio

Lets try this challenge - Cardio Challenge

Started with the extreme challenge. Ths is good. Not doing all the jumps that they are doing. Doing it at my pace. Love the suitcase exercise.

Not quite the Thakur Anoop Singh's  suitcase exercise.

Today I was able to do more jumps than last time. side to side hops are fun. The last 20 min abs is fun too.

Day 4: Strength

Lets try this Skinny Rules strength.

Day 5: Cardio

total Body transformation

Day 6: Yoga

Day 7: Bob's Workout II

Day 8: Cardio

Skinny Rules Cardio

Skinny Rules core

Skinny rules Abs

Totally Ripped Core

Monday, December 21, 2020

Exercise this week 2

 Tabata strength on Monday. The planks and pushups felt good. 

Trying to get back to P90x. 30 min of core synergetics and need no jacket in winter and sweating.

Power pump sounds fun. Power pump is a non-impact strength training class that uses the barbell to target muscle groups. Light weight with high repetitions exhausts the muscles creating lean muscle and a toned physique.

Extreme Cardio Workout It is always exciting to do exercises when you see them as challenges. Enjoyed P90x with a group of friends on alternate weekdays. With that as backdrop, I squeezed in more on the other days, always trying out new exercises.

Boron Letters - Exercise the first hour of the day.

Monday, December 14, 2020


 40 min AMRAP exercise. This turned out to be a good choice. There is a session where you feel like in a brief breakout, where you have been told how to all the exercises and then you are left to our own devices to finish the rest of the 4 minutes. You repeat a  set of 3 exercises which take about 20seconds each. The structure maintained the momentum. Felt good with the side pushups and side kicks. 

Looking forward to leg day tomorrow.

Leg Day turned out to be fun. the last 3 minutes really, you gather the energy, even though there is none left, due to Sydney's talk.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Exercise this week

 Fat burning HIIT

There is something aboutrepeating exercises. By 30 minute amrk youa re done with a set of exercises twice. in the last 15 min, you revise them all again. You sort of own the exercises and go through them quickly.

Friday was a 35 min elliptical workout. 

I have been learnign a lot about nutrition. Beyond Weight Loss had some interesting points. To take protein alogn with your carb. some of the behavioral and psychology parts of it were good too. 

Types of motivation - fear based, feedback based and intrinsic motivation.

Five stages of behavioral change - Awareness, Contemplation, Preparation, Action and Maintenance. I liked the warning about contemplating too much, so that it does not get into procrastination. Each time the knowledge is wrong, you go back to the Contemplation or Preparation stage.

Prochaska stages of change

During my wieght loss change, I was inspired with the feedback based motivation.

Nutrition every meal, Satiety, Right macros.