There is something aboutrepeating exercises. By 30 minute amrk youa re done with a set of exercises twice. in the last 15 min, you revise them all again. You sort of own the exercises and go through them quickly.
Friday was a 35 min elliptical workout.
I have been learnign a lot about nutrition. Beyond Weight Loss had some interesting points. To take protein alogn with your carb. some of the behavioral and psychology parts of it were good too.
Types of motivation - fear based, feedback based and intrinsic motivation.
Five stages of behavioral change - Awareness, Contemplation, Preparation, Action and Maintenance. I liked the warning about contemplating too much, so that it does not get into procrastination. Each time the knowledge is wrong, you go back to the Contemplation or Preparation stage.
During my wieght loss change, I was inspired with the feedback based motivation.
Nutrition every meal, Satiety, Right macros.
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