Friday, December 25, 2020

Habits and Values

This is something I keep coming to, the relation between our habits and values. Since the habots (habit robots - may be they help you develop new desirable habits or get rid of undesired ones) that we have are a working system, it can offer us lessons on what is likely to work and stick. It clarifies your values.

When I try to squeeze more and add for a good measure, I feel great. That is alignment, once you are behind something, all other activities to shape with that goal in mind, accreting to the effect. Once that long pole is off, everything else too seems to start showing the negative long tail effect of even though not much by itself, when added it becomes a lot that goes away.

If flossing is not going as planned, then take away all the obstacles.

Habits define our personality and our values. Which comes first? Habits or Values? I would consider habits more of a reflection or an abstract figma like the vision which shows you the imagination of who you could be. Just like the example discussed, it shows you that you are a fly-catching machine and once you realise that you get more methodical about catching flies better.

Carol Sanford shows essence finding as one of the steps in Regenerative Life.

Consider habits and the environment in which you had to take on that habit. Once a habit is formed, the behavior is inflexible to the environment.

Thorndike's Law of effect is in effect when you see results from your efforts and continue the efforts. This is a scenario where you can have value-free habits.

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